Saturday 27 October 2012

I love Fall

 Remember the waning days of summers past.  The stockpile of new and forbidden "school clothes" in the closet.  Then the end of the tedium of summer, no more getting harassed to go outside and play.  The welcome embrace of structure and routine.  And then fall colours, unexpected frost, or the hint of a snowflake followed by a day of summer-like warmth.

 Fall fairs, the smash up derbies, the Rural social calendar reaching its apex.  Pumpkin patches drawing the families from the city for tractor rides, hay bales, and some small reconnection with our childhood.  Hot apple cider, warming rosey cheeks.  Dads wearing layers of plaid shirts.


Sunday 14 October 2012

Sunday October 14, 2012

Dreams are the wings of the poor,
finders of the cures
inspiration to invent
excuses to explore
a chance for peace
a better life for the worlds children
Dreams are food for the soul
and my hand can weave the reality of my dreams.

Saturday 13 October 2012

October 12,2012

  What a cold crisp morning! Its almost the middle of October and I've just read an article on, Amanda Todd. This 16 yr old girl commited suicide 2 days ago.  I might have skipped this story 5 years ago.  But now with children I can not.  I am not going to comment about it or elaborate, but i am sad about it and the society my children are going to grow up in.
Right now my kids are my life.  Kids seem to rule the world now and we are all slaves to them.  We are busy and getting them involved and exposed to as many things as we can.  I love them so much.  
Addie has such a sweet demure spirit.  She is so intelligent, and creative.  I used to worry about her not being athletic or coordinated (silly concerns) but where she was gifted early in speech and intelligence she lacked in athleticism. But those concerns were unfounded and we are seeing her start to love dance lessons, and is starting to do very well.  She is very sensitive and loving.  And I am scared her skin is not thick enough for this world.  
Declan on the other hand is ready to rule the world.  He is smarter than smart, cuter than cute, he is honest and charismatic, oh and he's not even 3 yet.  He amazes me daily.  He is headstrong and stubborn.  But is wise beyond his years and has the arrogant disregard for dangers I once had. 
Both are a joy to be around.  At their best and at their worst they are my world and I love it.
i AM SO FRUSTRATED WITH SPORTS RIGHT NOW!!! The NHL is still locking out the players. The Raptors look like they are in for another long season of struggling in an improving division.  I will watch for a while until i get the sense of the team.  I do enjoy their new defensive approach.  They are going to need it to have any chance of winning games and retaining fans.  The BUFFALO BILLS look terrible.  It is embarassing to admit I watch the games and cheer for them.  And their season doesn't look like it'll get any better.  My only optimism is that the Leafs aren't playing right now, so i don't have to be depressed by their underachieving.  LOL.